The Product: A mobile-ordering app for a Theme Park snack shop.

The Duration: ~1-2 months

The Problem: The Snack Hut is one of the Theme Park's most frequently visited stalls, so lines are usually out the door and customers have a hard time seeing the menu or finding the food pickup area.

The Goal: Design and implement an online mobile-ordering app for The Snack Hut to cut down on wait times and make the ordering and pickup process better for customers.

Roles and Responsibilities:
UX Researcher - User Interviews, Usability Testing
UX Designer - Personas, User Flows, Wireframing, Prototypes, Mockups
case study: THE SNACK HUT image

1. Don't skip a step. Throughout the project, there were many times where I wanted to get to the visual design elements of the project, but I made sure to put 100% effort into each step of the process.

2. Find a balance between details and big picture. As I was designing, I sometimes got stuck on the little details, so I made sure to go back to my goal statements to recenter my focus and priorities.

3. Always go back to the user. I made sure that each step of my process was centering the user's needs and experience based on the user interviews, and that I was always designing with accessibility in mind.


Users scan photos quicker and are more likely to purchase items when pictures are used in addition to text. Visuals also increases usability for users such as young children and people not fluent in English.


Long checkout processes on the app made users frustrated and less likely to complete the purchase. Quicker processes like saving card information and “recent order” tabs can cut down on checkout times.


Confusing pickup instructions can waste time and frustrate users. By having clear pickup instructions and clear marked signs on the shop, users will be able to find their food quickly when it’s ready.

What I Learned

I learned things from every step of the design process, and how each one effects the next. I am better equipped to undertake future UX Design projects.

WCAG Accessibility

Throughout the project, accessibility has been a focus, including color contrast ratios, alternative text on images, and simplified user flows.

Next Steps

I would have conducted another round of usability testing and iterated on my designs. Then I would work with developers to bring the final product to the app store.